PROMEDIC KSA, a local sole operations company was established to cope with a rapidly developing construction industry in the Kingdom that is materializing every hi-technologies implementation design. This revolution has brought forth the imminent need to protect the investments in all these health care project by providing them with top of the line medical solutions and our valuled resource support. Through our two company divisions, we supply the best American and Europe has to offer in the world.
Furthermore, we are committed to provide you with unparalleled product support, service and personnel training to ensure continuous, smooth and uninterrupted operation of your supplied systems by us. All products conform to the international codes & standard.
Accomplished Projects by PROMEDIC KSA
“PROMEDIC Holding is a growing company that is driven by value – value for its employees & mostly for its partners. Protecting such our branding and promoting our vision.
PROMEDIC significantly contributes to today’s healthcare sector by using tomorrow’s technologies – hi-tech and reliable solutions – that will deliver a better care for patients.
I am really proud of the entire PROMEDIC KSA team for their dedication in making AlMoosa project a true success despite all the challenges of the working environment. Not only in Saudi Arabia, but in all of the GCC, PROMEDIC is committed and dedicated to providing healthcare professionals with the best solutions, as together we partner to build a healthier future.
We highly value the trust of our clients & for that we, management and operations, are committed to over deliver, in a continuous query for leaving an impact & enlarging our network of priceless partners & AlMoosa is definitely a pioneer in adopting the changes and the challenges of tomorrows hi -tech.
It requires true courage to be one of those innovators willing to daily question today’s best practice in a continuous query for excellence, thank you.”
Rony Abdel-Hay
Chairman & CEO – PROMEDIC Holding